
Diversity & Inclusion Jeopardy Noon Conference

The residents held a “Jeopardy!” style noon conference on September 16, 2022 for the second dedicated Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) conference of the academic year. The categories included statistics gathered about our department over the past decade, programs that the department has initiated or contributed to recently, and multicultural food in anticipation of our upcoming conference. The highlight, however, were facts submitted by faculty and residents about how they contribute to the diversity of our department. The D&I committee would like to thank all of the residents who participated in the lively discussion and the following individuals for contributing their facts: Dr. Brian FunakiDr. Kirti KulkarniDr. Grace Lee, Dr. Melvy Mathew, Dr. Steve MontnerDr. Karan NijhawanDr. Olga Pasternak WiseDr. Christopher Straus, Dr. Patrick TranDr. Carina Yang, and Dr. Steven Zangan.